In addition to playing on a House League team, competitive players may also try out for a Select Team.
Select Teams are designed to encourage players with more consistent and competitive skills to be grouped together. Skills, baseball knowledge, and competitive development for players are enhanced through the Select or ‘A’ level programs.
Tryouts can take place as early as February or as late as May – dates will be posted on the WHBL website. Players must be registered in a WHBL House League program before they can be accepted on a Select Team.
WHBL typically has a Select Team (dependent upon interest) in the 9U, 11U, 13U, 15U and 18U divisions. All WHBL Select Teams are known as the Blue Hawks. Our Select Teams play in the Toronto Baseball Association (TBA) East loop on Sunday nights. In addition to the Sunday loop games, our teams participate in weekend tournaments across Ontario. Select baseball requires earlier and more extensive planning by the League and its coaches, and a commitment to the team and season by the players.
There may be approximately 15 – 20 games during the season (including tournament games).
Cost: In addition to the House League fee, there is an extra fee per player to cover the cost of Select play (uniforms, League and tournament fees). The Select Fees shown on the website are estimates, and may increase depending on costs involved.
League Play: WHBL plays in the Toronto Baseball Association (TBA) East loop on Sunday nights. Games generally start at 6:30pm, but could start earlier if a double-header is being played. Players are also expected to attend practices arranged by the coach.
Tournaments: The WHBL Select fee includes participation in up to three tournaments (June - August) with the possibility of additional tournaments for an extra cost. In addition, there will be the TBA East playoffs in August, and the Labour Day Provincials if the team qualifies.
Travel: Some travel is involved. The Sunday night loop games are played in the Toronto area, at parks such as Wishing Well Park (Victoria Park/401), Bond Park (Leslie/Lawrence), Stan Wadlow Park (East York) and Ted Reeve Park (Gerrard/Main). Weekend tournaments take place in various parts of Ontario.
Time Commitment: In addition to the Sunday night loop games and weekend tournaments, there will likely be weekly practices. This is in addition to House League games two nights per week.
In summary, Select players will need to commit to Sunday night loop games and up to five weekends over the summer. The TBA East playoffs take place in August, and the Ontario Provincials take place on the Labour Day weekend, if the team qualifies.